

Sheffield Canoe Club

About us

To take part in any of our events, start here. Please read the following document, and check the events page for up to date information. To book any event, visit webcollect:

For some sessions, we may not be able to provide coaches. If in doubt contact us via email. Feel free to contact me regarding issues with the website on 07879426788. It is a work in progress.


Days we kayak

Friday Hillsborough Pool (see above) 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Sunday The River Don 9:30am -12:00am
MondayThe River Don (For groups only, by prior arrangement) 6:30pm -8:00pm
Wednesdays starting 13 April. River Don6:30pm-8:00pm
Thursdays evenings Slalom, until further notice. River Don (Limited places, book to ensure availability)6:30pm-8:00pm

Please check the events page for more detailed information, cancelled events due to the virus, or holidays. Generally pool sessions are cancelled when they fall on the weekends of bank holidays.

British Canoeing

Here is the latest guidelines about the coronavirus

British Canoeing are launching Paddlecast. Click here for the latest release.

Sheffield Canoe Club has a facebook page for members. This can be more up-to-date with activities. The link is here.

Check out British Canoeing Magazine - Canoe Focus- Canoe Focus

British Canoeing website

To become a member of the Sheffield Canoe Club, please book using the following

PDF - (Acrobat) format - to any club official along with the appropriate membership fee (see below) at the pool or River Don club sessions. Alternatively send your completed membership form with cheque payable to Sheffield Canoe Club to the club's membership secretary:

Club Trips Notice

Every trip has an upper limit of paddlers for safety reasons. Please remember to notify the organiser or you may well be turned away on the day. Thank you.

Last updated 9th December 2024